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The Teachers Are Back in Town

In preparation for the Monday, Aug. 20 return to classrooms by students, District 56 conducted its annual Convocation on Friday in the Clinton High School auditorium. The 2018-19 Teacher of the Year. …

Hot Fun in the summertime

It was hot, but lots of fun was in store for the folks who turned out for the Sizzlin' Summer Beach Bash on Saturday (June 9) at Bailey Manor Christian Retirement Community on the Jacobs Highway …

Red Devils excel on fields of competition

Past, present and future Clinton High School athletes, and their fans, attended the combined winter-spring athletics recognition event Tuesday (May 22) in the CHS gym, with a reception in the …

Art, Reading, Firefighting & The Stock Market

Winners in the Bailey Manor Art Show, senior readers from the Clinton Presbyterian Community, Public Safety instructors and Junior Stock Market Analysts all were recognized Thurday (May 24) during …

Inventions to make life better

A stylus that allows Parkinson's patients to communicate better. A pouch that protects important documents during hikes, and environmental encounters. A much better scoop for poop. A mute ball …

Crusaders: Be Bold & Courageous

Laurens Academy's 17th Commencement was conducted Friday (May 25) in Edmunds Hall at Presbyterian College. Class speeches were made by Ashley Magda, Joshua Moore, the Salutatorian, and Ryan …

High-Flying Fun beside the Rails

Fun rides, games, music, food, shopping and high-fliers are highlights of Rhythm on the Rails wrapping up Saturday (May 18-19) in uptown Clinton. The King BMX Bike Stunt Show performers were the …

Turning "brown" into "green" again

The City of Clinton on May 9 played host to the EPA Brownfields Grant South Carolina Awards Ceremony at the MS Bailey Municipal Center. A reception followed in the city's Textiles Museum on the …

Walking so all babies have a great life

The 2018 Laurens County Walk for Babies was staged in uptown Clinton Saturday (April 28) benefitting The March of Dimes. Ambassador Family was the Bodies, for little Ruthie Bodie, born at 29 weeks …

Becoming Eco-Warriors

Protecting the environment was the subject on Wednesday (April 18) for the 3rd graders attending Team Ecology at the Joe Adair Outdoor Education Center in Laurens. The District 56 & 55 3rd …

Cooking Up a Storm

Elementary students in District 56 on Tuesday (April 17) competed in the 3rd annual culinary arts contest sponsored by the Office of Child Nutrition. They shared the Clinton High School cafeteria and …

Bub was riding in spirit - again to Whitten Center

SCDDSN Whitten Center, the Whitten Center Parents’ Club, and the Woodlawn Ramblers’ Riding Club worked together gearing up for the annual Bub Lollis Motorcycle Memorial Spring Ride on …

Hopping, glowing comes next spring

There was Hopping, but because of the weather no Glo-ing at the March 24 family-fun Easter event in Clinton’s Vance Park. Organizers hoped – hopped ? – for an evening egg hunts and …

They Are Brave in the Attempt

Not everyone gets the first place ribbon but, really, does it matter? Special Olympics is all about the human need for competition, trying your hardest, and supporting the other athletes. The Special …

A Week of Inspiration

The 40th Annual Clinton Family YMCA Prayer Breakfast, co-sponsored by the Clinton High and Clinton Middle Schools Fellowship of Christian Athletes, provided 5 days of inspiration for students at the …

Dreaming and Winning a State Championship

The Junior Scientists of Clinton Middle School are again State Champions in Science Olympiad. They will represent South Carolina at Nationals in Colorado in May. Competing as Clinton Middle and Bell …

A Celebration of China

Students and staff at Clinton Elementary on Feb. 9 celebrated China in a program coordinated by their Chinese teacher, Miss Hannah, from Presbyterian College's Confucius Institute. The popular …

The Red Devils on TV

WSPA-TV's Daybreak crew came to Clinton High School Jan. 25 for a Make-a-Wish promotion and celebration of football head coach Andrew Webb headed to the Pro Bowl in Orlando to compete for the …