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Last week, President Trump was  anointed chairman of the Kennedy Center’s board of trustees —but only after firing all of the Democratic appointees on the board and handpicking their …

I have been following closely our country’s bird flu crisis and am especially concerned about the recent revelation that a second type of bird flu has been detected in dairy cows in Nevada and …

On Feb. 3, I addressed City Council on behalf of myself and neighbors in respect to a noise complaint that hasbeen ongoing for about 2 & 1/2 years without resolution. This complaint involves an …

So far, as of Feb. 4, we have gotten just one response. That’s to our questionnaire to candidates in the City of Clinton Municipal Elections of March 4. Sometimes, these elections are …

It was great to see John Laurens on the Peace Center stage in Greenville the other day. For a man who’s been dead for 243 years, he looked terrific. Laurens, a South Carolina hero of …

Don Trump, current temporary occupant of the elective office of President of the United States, has issued an Executive Order to ferret out “antichristianity” from the federal government. …

In just two weeks, Donald Trump, Elon Musk, and their minions have managed to alienate, disrupt, disparage, and defy Americans and foreign friends alike. They have openly mocked Congress, the …

Angry, petulant, childish, narcissistic – words that similarly describe a punk and a president. The Sex Pistols’ Johnny Rotten sang an anthem of angst, “Anarchy in the …

Uncertainty is a terrible thing in the news reporting business. We community journalists are committed to attempting to tell you the who, what, when, where, and why of every issue. So, with that …

“And the angel of the Lord appeared to him in a blazing fire from the midst of a bush; and he looked, and behold, the bush was burning with fire, yet the bush was not consumed. So, Moses said, …

On January 20 th , 2025, the Presidential Inauguration will fall on Martin Luther King Jr. Day. Reflections on King reveal truths on the progress and challenges that have faced the American public: …

Reports to Council at the Jan. 6 Clinton City Council meeting gives us a window into some of the city’s challenges as the new year breaks. A new city manager will have to redevelop …

Following a quiet Christmas, and on the cusp of a new year, which will mark my 50th as a community journalist, I have to say 2024 was a year like few others that I have covered anywhere. A major fire …

On the eighth day, after taking a day off, God realized human beings fell a little shy of expectations, so He created dogs. And God saw that they were good. They were perfect. That muffled …

“And there were in the same country, shepherds keeping watch over their flocks by night.”   Luke 2:8 of the Holy Bible.   The word shepherd is used in the plural …

My wife and I just completed a three-week vacation tour of the American southwest and mid-western states. In all we crossed twelve state borders and traveled 5,565 miles in 20 days. During our trip …

One of the coolest things about my job is getting invited places - getting the chance to see cool people do cool stuff. I don’t always hold up my end of the bargain, because of a failing …

Ever since President Donald J. Trump and others told me that TikTok is an agent of the Chinese Communist Party, I have tried to avoid it. I’m not sure what they would want to find out about me, …

So, reading the obituary below, would you have thought this is a homicide? As far as I know, local authorities have not publicly announced this as a homicide, although a published report indicates …

When a motorist slammed into the back of my car a few years ago, I didn’t call the White House. Actually, I didn’t call anyone. I was all shook up, and not in the pleasant way Elvis …

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