This past June (2024) the southeastern United States experienced a once in thirteen-year event. A certain species of cicadas rose forth from the earth to begin their life cycle above ground.
For a period of four to six weeks these wonders of nature emerged from their skeleton like shells, dried their wings and began their mating process. During this time, the volume of sound created by these flying “bugs” filled our yards, our shade trees and forested woodlands. After mating, the adults died, leaving behind their offspring in larva type cocoons that burrowed back into the soil to wait for the passing of time. Mother Nature and Father Time now take over.
God of the universe, God of Abraham, Issac, and Jacob, God the Father, God the Son, and God the Holy Spirit is the creator. He created this wonder that occurs once every thirteen years. He also created Time, that intangible yet recognizable element that humans use to measure and record all aspects of existence. Examples: How old is that rock? What is the average life span of humans? How long does the earth take to orbit the sun? When, is your birthday?
Mankind, in the course of his study, has categorized the passing of Time as either, Epochs, Eras, Eons, Millenniums, Ages, Centuries, decades, years and etc.
Accepting that God created Time, He can also end it. Time will end. We just don’t know when and we are not meant to know. However, Jesus does describe various events that precede the end of Time in the Gospel of Matthew, chapter 24, verses 1-14. “See that no one misleads you. You will hear of wars and rumors of wars. Nation will rise against nation. There will be famines and earthquakes. You will be killed and hated for My name. Many will betray one another. False prophets will rise. Lawlessness will increase. Love will grow cold.” Verse 14 states; “And this gospel of the kingdom shall be preached in the whole world for a witness to all the nations, and then the end shall come.”
Other references are listed in the book of Jude verses 18-19. Revelation chap. 1 verse 3. Acts chap. 1 verse 7, and 1st Thessalonians chap. 5 verses 1-2.
So, if one believes, as I do believe, that these events are a prelude to the end, I ask the question, have you listened to and seen the news of the world today? Mankind is living in the Last Times, as described in the Holy Scriptures. So, to what “category” are we referring? Is it an Epoch of time? Is it a century? Is it a month? What about within the next hour?
Everything Jesus said in those first thirteen verses is taking place over the entire world right now. Or, is this a moot point? Does it even matter?
The consequences of your belief, determines your final outcome. If you are not a believer, it matters.
Your non-belief will bury you in the ground, not for thirteen years, but forever. If you are a believer, it matters. Your belief will raise you up to live again, for all eternity?
“When Time has surrendered, and earth is no more, I’ll still cling to the old rugged cross.” (Gaither vocal group)
Walter Allen is a graduate of TCHS and Auburn University. He is retired from the paper industry and is a published author. A former president of the Laurens County Museum Assoc. in Laurens, SC. He lives in Tuscaloosa County, AL.