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Our View: Presidential Immunity - and now President Trump has to worry about the vice-president

Wrapped in a firecracker, a high court decision "crowns" the president


The greatest gift - wrapped as a fire cracker - that the United States Supreme Court could have given President Joe Biden pre-Fourth of July was new law pertaining to unlimited presidential immunity. Now, President Joe Biden does not have to worry about being prosecuted when he leaves office. All he has to do is play the “official duties” card and that will trump any prosecution, federal, state or local. It’s like being a King, but not really being a king because we have a republic and you don’t have a king in a republic - just remember the civics you learned in high school.

It is fitting that this Save-President-Biden opinion came down just before Independence Day and in a timeframe not too long from the 250th Anniversary of the American Revolution, when our ancestors fought to overthrow a king - well, a lot of them did anyway. Still, a lot of people in what would become Laurens County (some day) remained loyal to the king. And, because of that, there was slaughter on both sides (Fine People, on both side) and bloody battles in the confines of this Revolutionary War district. Then, Musgrove Mill happened, and everything turned toward the Patriots, and against the Loyalists. And we never had a King, again, ‘til now.

You don’t learn about it in schools because, well, it’s too bloody. Our sensibilities will not allow us to teach and learn about anything that is bloody, and horrific, and nightmare-inducing because, well, we just can’t take it. 

With this new law passed by a majority of the United States Supreme Court, the current Department of Justice and the Fulton County District Attorneys Office should dismiss all charges against former President Donald J. Trump. He, and others, were and are being prosecuted under the old law - it will take DOJ attorneys a couple years to study up on the new law to determin what is and isn’t illegal, in their opinion, which can always be second-guessed, just like the trial court and the appeals court were by the supreme court. It would be good, then, to place a couple million dollars in a legal fund for these defendants as reparations for the suffering and legal costs they have incurred. Then, when the new law is fully vetted, the courts will still be there for renewed prosecution, if there is any stomach for that. Our recommendation, just let by-gones be by-gones and let’s unite again, as a country. Every gets that, you know what, Monopoly card. Then we can get back to prosecuting the usual suspects and just leave the privileged class alone - and go to the polls with renewed vim and vigor in November (except for early voting) to craft our next government.

As the July 1 Palm Beach Playbook reminds us about the Supreme Court’s final ruling of this term, made just in time for them to go on vacation, it’s the 2024 General Election that really matters:

“Today’s ruling at the Supreme Court was a victory for the rule of law, for the Constitution, and for our country.

“Even the Biden campaign admitted that it was a major blow to the Democrats’ lawfare being waged against President Donald Trump. As RNC Chairman Michael Whatley noted, “Today’s ruling is a victory for the rule of law and a reminder that the constitution outweighs the left’s weaponization of the judicial system against President Trump and his allies.”

“Democrats have weaponized our institutions to target their political opponents and to interfere in our elections. Censorship, politically-motived prosecutions, witch hunts, and one hoax and smear after another… Joe Biden and his allies have proven that they are a threat to democracy.”

And, of course, our congressman had to weigh in:

Congressman Jeff Duncan Verified account

The Supreme Court vindicated President Trump by affirming the right of Presidential immunity. They have now ordered lower Courts to review the case considering this immunity. What they will find is that both Jack Smith and Fani Willis are bringing cases against Trump in violation of his Presidential immunity. That means these bogus cases against President Trump must come to an end! This is justice for Trump!

Response: Deborah Griffin: Presidents didn’t have immunity in the past. Trump has a bunch of judges that he selected who are changing legal precedent for him. They are violating the Rule of Law that no man is above the law. Trump just happens to be the only president we’ve ever had who is treasonous. How can a president have immunity for attempting a coup and disenfranchising the ballots of millions of legitimate American voters ?

Mike Bremer: Breaking News...Duncan continues to gaslight and spin.

The Supremes returned the case to the lower court to sort out which of Felon45s crimes were done as President and which of his crimes were done as a private citizen.

Truth is, the supreme court just handed Duncan’s opposition a gift.

The President “I get knocked down, but I get up again” (Chumbawamba) Joe Biden can’t be prosecuted for anything, even though he “says” he’s going to abide by the law. That’s the way it should be, how can a president do his job “fearlessly” if he has to constantly keeping looking over his shoulder to see which Woodward and Bernstein is stalking him today. He can take all the classified documents he wants to with him to Delaware because of, you know, “official duties.” He can direct a full fortification of the United States Capital on January 7, 2025, because of “core duties”, ie Commander in Chief of the military (which at last glance includes the National Guard). He can pardon his son guilt-free without fear of prosecution because pardons are “official duties.” When the Congress tells him to send some people up to The Hill so they can be abused - uh, sorry, questioned - he can say, “No, thank you” because “What you gonna do about it?” 

Man, this is going to be fun - now unrestrained by the law, Joe Biden (finally, in spite of congress) is going to get some stuff done. 

Meanwhile, President Trump says:

Any hopes that having Kamala Harris – or “Vice President Trump” as Biden likes to call her – waiting in the wings would calm Democrat nerves has obviously failed. Why? Because Kamala Harris is Joe Biden 2.0.

  • She was the copilot on some of Biden’s most egregious failures. Case in point: As Biden’s “border czar,” Harris helped fuel the invasion at our southern border. She has only visited the border once as vice president, and far from actually securing the border, she supports the most radical elements of the Democrats’ open-borders agenda. She supports abolishing ICE, wants to decriminalize illegal border crossings, and smears Border Patrol agents, namely by being one of main promoters of the “whipping” hoax.
  • She is anti-worker. Harris embraces the worst far-left policies of Joe Biden and the radical Democrats. She embraces pro-China electric vehicle mandates, wants to eliminate the Trump middle-class tax cuts, supports the socialist Green New Deal, and wants to ban everything from plastic straws to fracking to offshore drilling.
  • She applauds “defund the police.” Harris supported Los Angeles’s cuts to their police department, called efforts to add more police to the streets “wrongheaded thinking,” and opposed the death penalty for cop killers. She also raised money for the Minnesota Freedom Fund, a far-left organization which pays to bail violent criminals — including accused murderers and rapists — out of jail.
  • She’s has a lower approval rating than Joe Biden. Harris is the least popularvice president in history – which is no surprise given her terrible record.
  • She makes just as much sense as Joe Biden. By that we mean, none at all. Harris is infamous for her word salads and confounding speeches. One of the classics: “talking about the significance of the passage of time, right, the significance of the passage of time. So, when you think about it, there is great significance to the passage of time.” For more “inspiring” thoughts from Harris, click here.
  • She is a liar. For years, Democrats have been perpetrating a massive fraud as they willfully hid Crooked Joe Biden's obvious cognitive decline from the public – and no one has been more central to the coverup than Harris. Team Trump has documented numerous times Harris lied directly to the American people about Biden’s condition. This is about our national security, but, true to form, Harris put America last. She must answer questions on what she knew when, and why she defrauded the American people.

Biden and Harris abetted an invasion at our border, fueled inflation, lowered real wages, raised the tax burden on the middle class, weakened America’s standing in the world, emboldened our enemies, allowed criminals to control our streets, and prioritized special interest groups over families.

Ultimately, President Trump summed it up, “Whatever else can be said about Crooked Joe Biden, you have to give him credit for one brilliant decision, probably the smartest decision he ever made. He picked Kamala Harris as his vice president. No, it was brilliant. Because it was an insurance policy. Maybe the best insurance policy I've ever seen. If Joe had picked someone even halfway competent, they would have bounced him from office years ago, but they can't because she's gotta be their second choice.”

Kamala Harris is Joe Biden 2.0. Her radical policies and her part in one of the greatest coverups in American history have disqualified her from office. No matter who the Democrats put up, President Trump will win in November in a landslide.


Vice-President here.

President Biden's press conference highlighting NATO here.