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A Gathering of Neighbors in the Garden


The Clinton Community Garden's 2nd Annual Appreciation Program Sept. 27 features healthy cooking and eating, kids activities inclkuding planting their own special box int he garden, and a Presbyerian College School of Pharmacy health fair. The Garden is sponsored by the Laurens County Community Foundation and Greenville Health System. The annual celebration is timed for the harvest, after which the garden goes into hibernation, and the healthy eating items were made from Garden vegetables. GHS brought health after-dinner snacks and Chik-fil-A Laurens County brought healthy-cooked sandwiches. The Garden is on South Bell Street, Clinton, across from Friendship AME Church. Four community events related to eating, obesity and cooking are being planned for Winter 2017 and Spring 2018. Watch this website for details on these upcoming events. - Photos by Vic MacDonald