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A Photo Essay - Graduation 1

The Class of 2023 dedicated the ceremony in memory of Madison Keely Craven and Taylor Cole Tisdale, who were Red Devils at the time of their passing.


“Don’t try to live someone else’s life. Be you. Every person in this gym believes you have what it takes to become what you want to become in life.”

That was one of the take-away messages from Clinton High School Principal Dr. Martha Brothers as she sent the high-excelling Class of 2023 out into the world at the June 1 Commencement.

The ceremony program listed 40 graduates who reported that they had received at least one college scholarship. Rachel Vondergeest provided the Valedictorian address. Shane Nelson provided the Salutatorian address. 

The Class of 2023 dedicated the ceremony in memory of Madison Keely Craven and Taylor Cole Tisdale, who were Red Devils at the time of their passing.

“No love, no friendship, can cross the path of our destiny without leaving some mark on it forever.” 

— Francois Mocuriac