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Publisher is named


McElveen is The Clinton Chronicle's new publisher.


Jake McElveen has been named the Publisher of The Clinton Chronicle, coming to the local newspaper from the editor’s position in Manning.

McElveen is from New Zion, South Carolina. “People say they come from a one stop light town. I come from a one stop sign town,” he said.

A graduate of East Clarendon High School, McElveen got interested in journalism through the school yearbook. He came into journalism through a charity event he organized with Leigh Ann Maynard, publisher of The Manning Times, a fellow Smith Newspaper Group publication. McElveen was a reporter, then the editor and graphic designer, with experience in sales and bookkeeping, at the Times. He also fixed the racks that hold newspapers for sale.

That versatility is common for journalists serving the state’s smaller newspapers, he said. 

“Small town news isn’t what TV and Hollywood think journalism should be. People say small town news is dying, but I tell them, ‘When your child wins a pageant, The New York Times is not going to cover that. We’re here because we care about our community.”

Getting the word out about businesses and community activities is the newspaper’s goal, McElveen said. “I am extremely passionate about small town journalism. It is vital, and I love it to death.”

McElveen said he wants to affirm to the public The Chronicle’s community service that dates to 1900.

“I want to reassure the public that we are still here for them. We have been through a lot of transitions in the last two years,” he said. “I want to provide stability. We’re here. We’re here to stay.”

In the long term, McElveen said The Clinton Chronicle’s goal will be to offer more to the community in terms of special projects and magazines. He wants the newspaper to be involved and visible in the community.

“I want people to know what the paper has done for them and how we can help,” McElveen said. 

Journalists and the public are aware of the transitions of newspapers since The Chronicle’s founding in 1900, he said. At that time, the community newspaper was bringing its readers national news and making it relatable to their lives. Now, with Twitter, national news is accessible anywhere, any time; but communities rely on their newspaper for the small news.

“That small news is our bread and butter,” McElveen said. “What’s important to the community is important to us. That’s our job.”




The Clinton Chronicle