The Biden Administration has announced a $4 Trillion “jobs bill” initiative to paint and brighten as many courtrooms in America as possible.
The effort will start in New York City.
The President said he was moved to action by Alabama U.S. Senator Tommy Tuberville. The Senator said, according to CNN, that Donald J. Trump is undergoing mental anguish because the courtroom where the first former president of the United States ever to be charged with a crime is on trial is so depressing.
Trump has said it’s also cold.
“We don’t have the money right now to fix all the heat in these courtrooms,” President Biden said, “but we can get started on the paint. I call on all paint manufacturers in America to ramp up production. We will be calling on you soon.”
Trump is accused of falsifying a business record. In a place like South Carolina, it wouldn’t be a big deal, much less a crime; but New York has so many business records filed every year that inspectors can’t keep up with all of them. They have to rely, initially, on the good faith of businesses to keep good records, to charge items in the correct categories, and to know which expenses can, and cannot, be marked up as campaign contributions.
The Biden Administration is fresh off the ongoing success of the infrastructure act to create construction jobs, to drive the national unemployment rate down to 4 percent, and to curb the expected inflation following the pandemic - when businesses raised prices to overcome the revenue they lost during Covid, and then gain a little more, too, at the expense of consumers.
Because there is inflation, voters have said they don’t want Biden to be the president any more. Republican-friendly business leaders all agree, “Our strategy is working.”
And with Candidate Trump asking the oil and gas industry for a $1 Billion donation to his campaign - in exchange for his promise to stamp out “the green new deal” - Biden knows he has to strike a deal with a segment of American business, also.
The only state to experience a downside to Trump’s plan to end subsidies for growing electric vehicles and electric batteries manufacturing is South Carolina - but Trump knows he’s got our state in the bag, and even the loss of 300,000 jobs when EVs are killed won’t change that.
We’ll just all go on unemployment.
Biden has decided his business of choice for a contributions-for-executive-orders deal will be paint. It’s an easily understood industry, it’s important for the national defense and, most important, it covers in one coat.
Biden’s advisers talked him out of naming the measure the T n T New Deal (for Trump and Tuberville). The President said, “Our American Courthouses are iconic structures. To know that a criminal defendant finds even one of them dreary is unacceptable.”
After New York, local communities get to apply for Courthouse Paint grants — Laurens County was the first to apply, it is renovating its iconic courthouse in the middle of Laurens right now, and it needs the money for paint. It is hoped that Passion Pink will cure the mental anguish of any person, or defendant, sitting in the former courtroom that once housed the meetings of the venerable Laurens County Council.
Tuberville called the courtroom where Trump is on trial “the most depressing thing I have ever been in,” according to America’s premier news network - he also instructed the court to refer to the defendant as “Former President Trump” and not “Mr. Trump”.
President Biden said it is not within his power to make that happen. “But, folks, we can definitely spruce up that courtroom. It won’t be Mar-a-lego Ballroom spruce-y but at least it won’t have so many boxes out in the open that you can’t even dance.” (Republicans immediately criticized Biden’s remarks as being too political.)
For his part, Tuberville said the Biden initiative is unnecessary federal expense. He reminded reporters that what he said was, Trump is in a courtroom that is depressing and is going through mental anguish - NOT that his mental anguish is caused by a depressing courtroom. Ohio Republican U.S. Senator J.D. Vance also made some remarks at the courthouse where Tuberville talked to reporters awaiting his every word. The United States Senators showed up to talk and watch testimony on Day 16 of the criminal trial (the senate is on spring break); court will not be in session May 17 so the defendant can attend his son’s high school graduation; the former president thanked the judge for his consideration.
President Biden responded to Tuberville, “Oh. Sorry for the confusion. Heck, folks, let’s paint it anyway!”
Vic MacDonald is Editor of The Clinton Chronicle. In June 2025 he will observe 50 years as community journalist. Reach him at 864-833-1900 or
It used to be a fundamental American principle, “No person is above the law”; now, it is under a full-scale attack here.