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Higher Opportunity


LCDC's Higher Opportunity 2019.

Opportunity is defined as “a set of circumstances that makes it possible to do something”. Educational and career opportunities are abundant in Laurens County, and we are showcasing them once again. You may have seen our first “Laurens County: A Higher Opportunity” video before; whether here, through our local schools, or before each movie at our local Capitol Theatre and Cafe. Like all good things tend to do, opportunities in Laurens County grow and evolve all the time. For this reason, we have updated our video to include even more testimonials and insight from those who know first-hand. “The opportunity to follow your dreams is right here at home.” Please share this — You may inspire someone who just may not know what he or she wants to do, or what's out here! #HigherOpportunity #GrowLaurensCounty #workforce #education