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Happy Birthday to Me!

And, A Trip with Destiny


By the time this article comes out, February 14 will have come and gone and I will be well into my 37th chapter of life.  

As I have done for the past few years, I am taking time to meditate on the year that has gone, the good, the bad and the ridiculousness that occurred during chapter 36.  Nevertheless, one thing is for sure, I am happy to see chapter 37 because not all make it this far in life.  I know that sounds very cliché, but it is the truth, death takes so many and some, never make it this far in life.  Me, however, I am still here and I believe I am here for a reason; some days the reason is clear, other days, I feel as if I just merely exist in a forever-moving universe.

So, what is next for me in chapter 37? 

The good thing is, I don’t have a clue and that makes me so happy.  I don’t have any set expectations except to be the best version of myself that is possible.  I am not on a set path because I believe that things can change at the drop of a hat and you have to be willing to adapt to the situations that come your way.  I believe in myself enough to know that anything is possible, even in times where there seems to be no light, your eyes eventually adjusts to the darkness, showing you things that you have never seen before.  

I have learned to be more than just alive, I am living, living a life where mistakes will happen, people will leave, but life will still continue because that is part of being human. I don’t expect everyone to like me and I don’t expect everyone to accept me, but because I love and expect myself, in the end, that’s all that matters! I am proud of myself for growing and I love myself even more each day that passes because I know that I am becoming a better version of the person I see in the mirror each day.

Singing it loud and proud, Happy 37th birthday to me!!! 

I decided to take a trip with destiny

A trip that I have never taken before

A trip that I knew would be an adventure

A trip that many refuse to take.

I decided to take Freewill along with me

For a trip is not complete without that

I left Fear at home this time

It just was not enough room in my bag

Worry almost made the cut

But then I realized I would have no fun

So I left Worry in the driveway

My bag felt much lighter then

Destiny is new

Well, not new

Just not someone I would normally take a trip with

But I decided it was time for a new journey

I saw Faith waving from the window

I don’t know how I almost forgot that

So I made a quick trip back in the house

And loaded up Faith

So now it’s just the four of us

Destiny, Freewill, Faith and me

I am so use to having Worry and Fear with me

I really don’t know how to act

This road trip will surely be one of a kind

Who knows where I will end up

Or who I will meet

But I know it will be one for the books

One with many twists and turns

Many rivers to cross

Many hills to climb

But one thing is for sure

I am not alone

I have my two best friends with me

Although I may not know it all

I know they will get me through anything

As I take this trip with Destiny 


Lacresha Dowdy is a graduate of Clinton High School, Piedmont Technical College, and Claflin University in Orangeburg. Since December, 2009, she has been the City of Clinton Municipal Court clerk of court, and also is a Community Relations Specialist with the city.