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Fundamental Change

Something to talk about.


In June of 1876, one hundred and forty-eight years ago, the Souix Indian nation defeated General George Armstrong Custer at the battle of Little Big Horn in southwest Montana. The Indians won the battle but would eventually lose the war. Essentially, their way of life ended. 

One month prior, in May of 1876, another way of life was changed forever. The United States Army Corp of Engineers completed a construction project. The depth of water at the mouth of the Mississippi River was too shallow for large ocean-going ships to sail up stream. They had to wait for high tide. After many months of constructing levy banks to narrow the channel, which increased the flow of water and thus “washing out” centuries of mud and silt that had settled on the bottom, ships could now enter the river at any time. A new era of commerce was introduced. 

These two events occurring almost at the same time, ushered in a fundamental change in America. An old established way of life coming to an end and a new age of commerce affecting all people had arrived. 

Folks, as I see it, the presidential election of 2024 will mark a fundamental change in our country. Should Joe Biden be re-elected, the way of life in America that I know and grew up in will be gone. Open borders. Non-citizens receiving benefits from my tax dollars. Criminals from all over the world moving into my neighborhood. Acceptance of all world religions, except Christianity. LGBTQ, gay pride month, DEI and woke culture influencing our children and grandchildren. Abortion of babies becoming a national law. The cost of living continuing to rise. Losing my rights and freedoms as a citizen of the USA. 

Should Donald Trump be elected, what will happen? A convicted felon will hold the highest office in the land. The leader of the free world. Even, if an appellate court overturns his conviction, history will still label him as a felon. The former president says he will close the border. That sounds good. He says he will authorize and develop our natural resources. That sounds good. The US will not be dependent on foreign oil. He values the life of unborn babies. That sounds good. He will fly the American flag instead of a rainbow flag. That sounds good. Nations around the world will again respect the US. That sounds good. He supports the 2nd Amendment. That sounds good. But, is all this, good enough?  

Democratic leadership, republican leadership, democratic candidate, or republican candidate simply does not matter. What matters is our country. If “We the People” will do the right and necessary thing we will see a good result. The right thing is to pray to God for forgiveness of our sinful ways. This country is blanketed in sin. Think not; we now have the federal government officially recognizing June as gay pride month. What is next, pride in abortion month? “We the people,” have accepted evil by calling it LGBTQ and DEI. Illegal drugs and addiction are rampant. Violent crime is increasing. One may not commit an evil act but we allow it to happen. The apostle Paul writes, “Let us not grow weary in doing good,” (Galatians chap. 6:9) Christians need to pray and speak out boldly God’s Holy word. That, and that alone, will save this country. God promises that very thing. 

“If My people who are called by My name will humble themselves and pray, and seek My face and turn from their wicked ways, then I will hear from heaven, will forgive their sin, and will heal their land.” 2 Chronicles, chap. 7:14. 

We are in a war. Not a war of guns and knives, but a war against evil forces. Paul described this conflict in Ephesians of the Holy Bible, chapter 6 verse 12. “For our struggle is not against flesh and blood, but against the rulers, against the powers, against the world forces of this darkness, against the spiritual forces of wickedness in the heavenly places.” 

Trump may win the battle, but he can’t save the country. The Democratic Party cannot save this country. Vote for whomever you wish. But, don’t rely on a person to save this country.  

Walter Allen is a graduate of TCHS and Auburn University. He is retired from the paper industry and is a published author. A former president of the Laurens County Museum Assoc. in Laurens, SC. He lives in Tuscaloosa County, AL.