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Turning "brown" into "green" again


The City of Clinton on May 9 played host to the EPA Brownfields Grant South Carolina Awards Ceremony at the MS Bailey Municipal Center. A reception followed in the city's Textiles Museum on the first floor of the municipal center, on North Broad Street. 7 recipient cities and organizations sent representatives to the event, which marked the awarding of $2.2 Million in federal funds provided with state environmental expertise. Along with Clinton, a first-time grant recipient, the awards were made to Aiken, Greenville, Greenwood, Pickens, the Catawba Regional COG, and Pelzer Historical Commission. Money is used to assess "brownfields" - which are former business sites that might have soil and water contamination - and develop plans to "bring these areas back to life." Environmental Protections Agency and SC Department of Health & Environmental Control officials participated in the awards program, along with the recipients. Trey Glenn, EPA Region 4 Administrator, said since brownfields eradication was started nationwide, the federal government's investment has been leveraged to created $25 Billion in local community, economic development. - Photos by Vic MacDonald