THIS MONDAY, the School District 56 Board of Trustees will give Special Recognition to the Red Devill, State Champion Football Team and a Spirit of 56 award receipient. Its meeting, which is open to the public will be at 7:30 pm in the auditorium of Clinton High School.
The school is at 18132 Hwy 72 East, Clinton. The board convenes first in a closed session to discuss Personnel and Contracts, and a student health issue. After adjournment from closed session, at 7:30 pm, the board convenes in open session with the Special Recognitions first on the agenda.
That is followed by approval of the minutes and audience participation (3 minutes per participant) and the Superintendent's Report. Matt Phillips. of Phillips CPA and Advisors, will present the 2023-2024 Audit Report.
That is followed by a financial report and a projects update, followed by an instruction update. The board also will receive a safety report, technology report and food service report. The board will be asked to approve 2 policies -- Individual Health Care Plans and Seizure Safe Schools Act. The board will receive announcements and upcoming events information.
The meeting after this will be Feb. 24, 7:30 pm in the District 56 Conference Center.