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The World's Greatest Profession


Presbyterian College sent 14 new teachers out into the world May 12 with an induction ceremony in Edmunds Hall. Speaking to the group, the District 56 Teacher of the Year Keighley Aldridge said, “Welcome to the best profession in the world,” Aldridge said. “As an educator, your first responsibility is to develop a relationship with every student who walks into your classroom. There is no such thing as an unteachable child." Aldridge is a third-grade teacher at Joanna-Woodson Elementary in Joanna, S.C. In her fourth year as an educator, she received a Bachelor of Science degree in elementary education from Presbyterian College. Taking their induction oath, the new teachers promised, in part, "Today I proclaim my dedication to the teaching profession and formally accept my obligation ti improve the general condition of humanity, my responsibility to advance knowledge and cooperation, and my duty to promote the competence of my students. I also pledge to bring honor to the profession of teaching. ... I am proud to be called a teacher." - Photos by Vic MacDonald