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The American Revolutionary War in South Carolina

In a special appearance, Laila Gore, a sophomore sociology major, portrayed the renowned author and poet Phillis Wheatley on opening night. 


GREENWOOD, S.C. – Dr. Franklin Rausch, professor of history at Lander University (center), along with students Erynn Price (left) and Laila Gore, play important roles during the Oct. 6 opening reception of the exhibit “The American Revolutionary  War in South Carolina.” 

The exhibit, originally curated by the South Carolina State Museum, is currently showcased at The Museum in Uptown Greenwood. To enhance the State’s exhibit, Rausch constructed dioramas depicting a Colonial-era farm and the Battle of Yorktown. Additionally, Price, a senior history major, designed and hand-stitched historically authentic clothing for a display of dolls depicting women of diverse races and backgrounds from the revolutionary war era. In a special appearance, Gore, a sophomore sociology major, portrayed the renowned author and poet Phillis Wheatley on opening night. 

The exhibit is available for viewing until December 29. Admission is free for the community during regular museum hours. Photo by Karen Petit

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American Revolution Anniversary in Laurens County here.

American Revolution Anniversary in South Carolina here.