“And there were in the same country, shepherds keeping watch over their flocks by night.”
Luke 2:8 of the Holy Bible.
The word shepherd is used in the plural sense. More than one shepherd was present that night. I suggest at least three were present to hear the angel’s announcement and witness the Heavenly Host. I am also going to suggest these three were members of the same family.
The first member of the family is a young boy, perhaps 10 years old. For some time, he had been begging his father to take him along each night to help tend the sheep. He wants to be with his dad. The young boy is persistent.
“Father please let me go with you and help watch over the sheep. I won’t be any trouble,” he says.
Each time his father says, “No, we won’t be there an hour after sunset and you will start whining to go back home.” They talk back and forth several times until the boy’s grandfather speaks up.
“Oh, let him come along,” he says. “He will have to learn how to tend flocks sooner or later. Besides, if he needs to go home, I will walk with him.” The grandfather looks over at his grandson and gives him a wink of his eye. The father reluctantly gives in and the three start toward the fields.
The father builds a small fire and the three sit close to keep warm. The sheep are calm and the night is quiet. The young boy is doing well but getting sleepy. It’s late, and the night sky is full of twinkling stars.
Suddenly a brilliant flash of light explodes above them in the dark sky. All three shield their eyes. The young boy is terrified. He peeks a look at his father, the one person who can protect him.
The father lowers his hand to see what is causing the light. He walks to his son and places his arm around the boy’s shoulders and pulls him close. The grandfather lowers his hands to his side. He is staring full face and wide eyed into the glow of a heavenly angel. The father sees the same image and looks at his dad. The expression on the old man’s face says it all. “Son there is nothing we can do. This is our fate.”
Then angel speaks, “Fear not, for I bring you good tidings of great joy, which shall be to all people. For unto you, is born this day in the city of David a Savior, which is Christ the Lord. A this will be a sign for you. You will find a baby, wrapped in cloths and lying in a manger.” Suddenly the entire sky is filled with heavenly host and they are singing. When finished, they disappear, just as quickly as they came.
Quickly, the grandfather picks up his shepherd’s staff. His son says. “Where are you going?”
“We must go and see this thing which the Lord’s messenger has told us,” he said.
“We can’t leave the flock, there is no one to watch them,” replies his son. The young boy stands quietly by and listens. The grandfather places both hands on his son’s shoulders and looks him straight in the eye and softly speaks, “Son, we need to go and see this, and we need to go now.” His quiet voice resonated with his son. The father turns to his young son and says, “Get your things we are leaving.”
The young boy stood back in the shadows of the animal barn. He saw a single oil lamp casting a soft light over something in a manger. He was not close enough to make it out but it must be something special because a man and woman were kneeling close by. Even the animals nearby stood quiet as statues. He watched as his dad approach the manger. When he was very close, he too knelt on the ground. No one was moving. All was calm.
The young boy nervously looked around as if seeking someone who would tell him what to do. Finally, his eye catches his grandfather’s attention who is standing above the rest and gazing down at the manger. His grandfather walked over and said, “Take my hand, there is someone I want you to meet.”
Merry Christmas, folks.