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The Homecoming Court, a chance for service

PC STUDENTS ORGANIZE UNIQUE HOMECOMING COURT CAMPAIGN - Homecoming is this weekend at Presbyterian College in Clinton


Voting for  Homecoming Court has gone on for generations at Presbyterian College. Student representatives in SGA, however,  have turned a once-superficial process into an opportunity for service.

The second round of Homecoming voting for PC’s Homecoming Royalty will take place in Springs Great Room from 11 a.m. to 3 p.m. Tuesday, Oct. 17, through Friday, Oct.  20. Students are encouraged to vote by bringing canned food and placing it in the corresponding box for their chosen representative. The cans will be donated to United Way, a nonprofit organization focused on feeding those in need. 

This new tradition started last year with PC alum and former SGA President, Kennedy Wright. 

“Her goal, her mission was to move away from the campaigning and the popularity type of voting to more so make it into a service event,” said current SGA president, Ralph Guerra. “Especially since we pride ourselves in being America’s Innovative Service College.”

Innovation is the core of a PC education and how students  PC students carry out the school’s motto, “While We Live, We Serve.” 

Guerra has expanded upon this campaign to also include an element that engages underclassmen voters in the process. He hopes to beat the number of cans donated last year, totaling at approximately 1,100. 

“SGA will ask them what hall they are from when they donate because, after Homecoming, we will see which hall donated the most cans and then that hall will get a surprise from SGA,” he said. 

Since the court is all upperclassmen students, Guerra’s new addition to the campaign will make this service opportunity filled with even more friendly competition for underclassmen. 

“It was important that we take advantage of this and get everyone in the student body involved,” said Guerra. “And to help out the community in a little way like this– by donating a can or two to vote for a friend contributes to a much bigger cause.”

Finding new ways to contribute to the community while also representing invaluable RSOs is what sets this homecoming campaign apart from any standard election. 

PC students are finding a way to integrate service into new aspects of student life and letting creativity fuel their charitable efforts in an innovative way. 

These are the following homecoming court candidates up for royalty this year: 

  • Taylor Thomas – Alpha Delta Pi
  • Calista Smith – Sigma Nu
  • James Crim – The Bluestocking
  • Xiomora Lindsay – Multicultural Student Union
  • Grace Hoover – Kappa Alpha Order

Each of these students were nominated alongside their RSOs because they represent the core values of their respective organizations. 

Taylor Thomas, senior and president of Alpha Delta Pi, commented on how she represents her RSO’s devotion to service at PC. 

“By being the president of my organization, I serve on the leading and operating team to achieve the goals we have set for the year, whether they be scholarship, service, or sisterhood-driven,” she said. “I personally think that all of the nominees this year are more than deserving to represent their organization because of the work they commit to it, year-round!”

Dedication to service, as well as strength in character, is the heart of the nominees representing the PC student body. 

“The essence of Sigma Nu is ‘Love, Honor, and Truth,’” said senior Sigma Nu sweetheart Calista Smith. “I represent this by embodying a caring and compassionate demeanor, upholding a strong sense of personal integrity, and embracing transparency and openness while being an advocate for academic and intellectual pursuits.”

Alongside the announcement of the homecoming court is also the announcement of this year’s Mr. and Ms. Blue Hose, an honor voted for by students to honor their favorite PC faculty and staff members. This year’s representatives are:

  • Mr. Blue Hose –  Mr. Johnny, Neville Hall Custodian
  • Ms. Blue Hose – Dee Nichols, Athletic Director

Both the Mr. and Ms. Blue Hose and the winning homecoming court royalty will be announced at the Presbyterian College homecoming football game, where the Blue Hose will face the Marist Red Foxes at 1 p.m. at Bailey Memorial Stadium.

Homecoming Weekend here.