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Inventions to make life better


A stylus that allows Parkinson's patients to communicate better. A pouch that protects important documents during hikes, and environmental encounters. A much better scoop for poop. A mute ball that cuts down on that annoying trumpet practice. A trailer hitch that doesn't damage shins. A wheelchair that saves arm strength -- all these, and more, are inventions of Clinton High and Laurens District High School future engineers. These innovations to solve common problems of life were on display Wednesday (May 23) during the first EDD Conference for Laurens County, a senior capstone for Project Lead the Way. These seniors are the first class to go all four years through the CAT program (Carolina Alliance for Technology). Judged the best of 12 projects - for which students had to video a 60 sec. "elevator pitch" - was the E.T. Stylus developed by CHS Seniors Cole Prince and Jose Santiago. A community group of engineers and educators judged the projects during 5 hours of competition at the Laurens County Higher Education Center, home of Piedmont Technical College. - Photos by Vic MacDonald