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Expiration Date

You are better than the person you use to be


Growth is one the most unexpected things that one could ever experience

One day you love certain things 

Then it seems as if the next day

Those same things that brought you so much joy and happiness

Seem to disappear in the night

For one never sees it coming

The people you were so excited to be around

So sad and disappointed when they went away

But when those same people appear again

You question why you even wanted to around them in the first place

Yet many will never understand it

Often saying you are acting differently

Or magically thinking you are better than the person you use to be

And in reality

They are right

You are better than the person you use to be

You will face criticism

For growth is not something that they have accomplished yet

And for some

Growth is something that is not attainable because they refuse to leave their comfort zone

Yet for whatever reason

You changed

You grew

Being around them makes you feel as if you are taking a step back in life

A place that you fought so hard to leave

A place that no longer suits you

You have to stay focused

Keeping your mind in line to where you are going

Remembering where you came from

For the old you served a purpose

Now the new you

The you that is continuing to take this journey

A journey that is unpredictable 

A journey that will continue to change you

Is a journey that will not allow everyone or everything to go with you 

Some will be a joy to let go

But others will break your heart as you free yourself

Yet you have to hold firm to the understanding that 

If they are hindering you or interrupting your peace

Their place in your life has expired

And one should never fear the expiration date of anything or anyone

For everything has one

Even you

Lacresha Dowdy is a graduate of Clinton High School, Piedmont Technical College, and Claflin University in Orangeburg. Since December, 2009, she has been the City of Clinton Municipal Court clerk of court, and also is a Community Relations Specialist with the city.