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Clinton Council could use electrical money to pay for hurricane damage

Action will be considered as part of Monday evening's meeting


On Monday, Clinton City Council will consider authorizing Interim City Manager Carl Stevens to use money designed to keep electric rates as low as possible to clean up from Hurricane Helene, and repair the city's electrical system.

The action is part of the agenda for the regular monthy council meeting this Monday, Feb. 3, 6 p.m. in the PS Bailey Council Chambers of the MS Bailey Municipal Building, 211 N. Broad St., in Clinton. The meeting is open to the public, and promises to have some length - there are 20 agenda items.

Item 15 authorizes use of the Rate Stabilization account to for additional funds to pay expenses relating to Hurricane Helene and damages to the city and electrical infrastructure to be reimbursed by the Federal Emergency Management Agency and the South Carolina Emergency Management Division. 

These are the other agenda items:

Public Comments (register before the meeting starts)

Proclaimin February as Black History Month

Employees' years of service: Brandon Steele, 10 years; Brison Taylor, 10 years; Lacresha Dowdy, 15 years

Approval of Minutes & 2025 council meetings calendar

First reading of an ordinance to borrow $500,000

Resolution to cause the city to be re-imbursed with the proceeds of tax-exempt bonds

First reading of zoning ordinance amendments related to cluster developments, related to non-conformities, & R-MH zoning district for mobile and manufactured home

Second and final reading of an ordinance amendment related to water and sewer service for organized developments

(Rate Stabilization Fund for hurricane damage with re-imbursement)

Approval of an Infrastructure Bond & purchase of sole source software using grant funds

Executive Session: contract related to sale of excess electrical capacity through PMPA

Possible Action

Reports & Recommendation: city manager, council members, mayor, adjournment.

Agenda link here.