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Bub was riding in spirit - again to Whitten Center


SCDDSN Whitten Center, the Whitten Center Parents’ Club, and the Woodlawn Ramblers’ Riding Club worked together gearing up for the annual Bub Lollis Motorcycle Memorial Spring Ride on April 8. More than 300 riders met in downtown Clinton at noon on Sunday to enjoy food, live music and fellowship before the ride. Donations of art supplies, adult coloring books, coloring pencils, and hygiene items were accepted at the registration table. Two-5 Catering had food available for purchase; the Anna Leigh Band provided music from The Depot stage; and the Whitten Center Parents’ Club had free Pepsi drinks with all tips and donations going to support residents at the Whitten Center facility. The group departed from downtown for Whitten Center at 2:30 p.m. Residents at Whitten Center were outside of their buildings to enjoy the parade of motorcycles through the campus. - Photos by Vic MacDonald