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Becoming Eco-Warriors


Protecting the environment was the subject on Wednesday (April 18) for the 3rd graders attending Team Ecology at the Joe Adair Outdoor Education Center in Laurens. The District 56 & 55 3rd graders attended the environmental awareness activity April 17-20, taught by volunteers with assistance of 5th graders as guides and aides. Primary sponsors are PRTC, Laurens County Water and Sewer Commission, The City of Clinton and Self Regional Medical Center, under the direction of the Laurens County Soil and Water Conservation District. Activities included enviro-art, nature walk, vermi-compost. air quality, watersheds and landfills. A demonstration showed by heavy rain can wash contaminants from the soil and parking lots into streams and rivers, and the young environmentalists learned that methane gas produced by landfills can be harnessed to provide electricity for the landfill operations or burned off. They learned trail ettiquette and the way to look for poison ivy - remember, "Leaves of three, let it be." - Photos by Vic MacDonald