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Letter: Endorsement for Kevin Bishop

Bishop served as Lindsey Graham's Communications Director for 25 years and was endorsed by Susan B. Anthony Pro-Life America



Tuesday, June 11th, is a time for choosing. Which Republican will succeed Jeff Duncan in Congress for SC-03? We have an excellent opportunity to elect someone who will represent our values. However, we could elect the next George Santos or Madison Cawthorn if we do not exercise caution. These were two clout chasers who only brought embarrassment and ignored constituent services in their Districts.

Mark Burns has called for the execution of US Senators Mitch McConnell and Lindsey Graham for "treason." It would serve Burns well to establish relationships among his fellow GOP members.

Stewart Jones sponsored legislation in the SC Statehouse that imposed the death penalty for any woman in the state who has an abortion, despite some of his fellow Freedom Caucus members removing their names from the legislation. Jones seemed to forget that SC has some of the strongest pro-life laws in the country that limit abortion after six weeks. Two wrongs don't make a right.

Sheri Biggs and her husband have made millions off government contracts and are funding their campaign using our tax dollars. She will have to recuse herself from most budget votes in Congress.

Kevin Bishop is the only candidate with the experience to impact Day One. He served as Lindsey Graham's Communications Director for 25 years and was endorsed by Susan B. Anthony Pro-Life America. Kevin worked in Greenville for Graham while living in Easley, raising a family with his wife, Julie, a school teacher. Furthermore, he is the only candidate who won't be an embarrassment. He knows what to do, say, and, just as importantly, what not to say. Kevin will articulate our values and answer the call for his District's needs. Please consider voting for Kevin Bishop - the future of our city and District depends on it.

Mark Leonard,
