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Decision 2024

Decision 2024: Stewart Jones touts endorsements

Former State Representative from Laurens runs for 3rd District Congress


From Stewart Jones, of Laurens: Friend,

South Carolina's Republican Primary Election is in 4 days and I wanted to reach out personally to update you on the state of the race so far. 

Our campaign is gaining momentum and after being outspent by establishment politicians by over 20-1 we are in a statistical dead heat in the polls. This is all thanks to the support I have received from you and the hard work of our volunteers! 

Our campaign has hosted several meet and greets with voters in the district and have received a great response to our message. We recently hosted one in Oconee and it was a tremendous success! 

We also have been racking up some amazing endorsements! 

I am excited to announce the our campaign received the endorsement of the National Rifle Association. I will always stand up for our God-given right to the 2nd Amendment!

Our campaign has now been endorsed by Sen. Rand Paul, Freedom Caucus Chairman Bob Good, US Representatives Bob Good, Thomas Massie, Ralph Norman, and over 30 South Carolina elected officials! 

To all of my supporters, I can't thank you enough for your continued support and for believing in our campaign. I will NOT let you down!

Thank you for trusting in our team and for your commitment to liberty!

God bless, 

Rep. Stewart Jones