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Developer will ask not to pay the impact fee

Agenda lists the company as STP, but the on-line agenda packet has no details


Clinton City Council will consider Monday evening a request from STP Development to waive the newly enacted Impact Fees assessed by the city.

Impact Fees are designed to have developers off-set some of the costs of them bringing in new houses or other buildings and the impact those new residents and/or traffic will have on a city. In Clinton’s case, the fees are projected to go toward increased police and fire protection, and recreation. On the City Council’s agenda packet posted on-line, there is no document related to the Impact Fees request.

The Council will hold its regular monthly meeting on July 1, 6 pm in the PS Bailey City Council Chambers of the MS Bailey Municipal Center at 211 North Broad Street, Clinton. It is upstairs — the meeting is open to the public, a public comments time is afforded at the beginning of the meeting for anyone who registers to address the matters listed on the council’s agenda.

Also, the Council will, recognize 8 employees with time of service awards, recognize retired office Chris Moore on 25 years of service, recognize the Water Filtration Facility for the Area Wide Optimization Program, excellence award and the fluoride award; consider a lease-purchase of vehicles, consider a forestry management policy, receive the Final Audit from Gary Bailey (2023), consider selling 2.07 acres of city-owned property on Forest Road, give final reading to a policy on the disposal and collection fees for excessive trash; give final reading to a requested re-zoning on East Main Street to a Planned Development District, and give final reading to an ordinance allowing Council Members to consider a health insurance plan.

The agenda also includes reports from the city manager, finance director, council members and the mayor, prior to adjournment.

The Clinton City Council’s regular meeting date of the 1st Monday of each month (changes for holidays). These meetings are open to the public and are live-streamed on the city’s Facebook page.