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The Chinese are in our schools, presidential candidate says (and Biden is selling the border wall)

New reports show millions of dollars from Chinese Communist Party (CCP)-linked entities have flowed into America’s K-12 classrooms, US Senator Tim Scott, R-South Carolina, and other allege.

Sen. Scott, Colleagues Demand Biden Administration Investigate Chinese Communist Party Influence in American K-12 Schools

Senator Scott Condemns Biden Administration’s Decision to Auction Off Border Wall Materials

WASHINGTON – Today, U.S. Senator Tim Scott (R-S.C.) issued the following statement as the Biden administration’s Department of Defense auctions off approximately $260 million worth of border wall construction materials. The White House has spent an additional nearly $47 million dollars storing the unused border wall materials due to its refusal to finish border security measures. 5.8 million people have entered the United States illegally since President Biden took office and his decision to halt border wall production comes amid surging illegal border crossings in July.

“The Biden administration’s actions to auction off millions of dollars in critical border security materials for a fraction of their value wastes taxpayer dollars, bypasses Congress’s efforts to secure the border, and leaves our southern border wide open and unsafe. This is a blatant dereliction of duty that abandons common sense and throws our national security to the wind, even as illegal border crossings are at record highs. The American people deserve real solutions such as my Securing Our Border Act, that will enforce our laws, and protect our families.”
