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Something to think about: Hope

What we do today, will determine who we are tomorrow.


Most church going folks, when asked, could recite the first three words of the Bible, “In the beginning.” But, would they know the fourth word? “In the beginning God…” God always was, always is, and always will be. Let academia and the theologians debate the before and after. 

If a person believes the sun will rise each morning and set in the evening, that person has put trust in God. If a person believes that Spring follows Winter, that person has put trust in God. (Genesis 1:4-5)

All Saints Day is approaching. We know it as Halloween. Remember the story, The Legend of Sleepy Hallow, with the character known as Ichabod Crane? The name Ichabod means, “no glory.” Consider this: America has separated itself from God’s glory. Not because of children trick or treating while dressed in costumes, but from “we the people” listening to false prophets. 

“An appalling and horrible thing has happened in the land: The prophets prophesy falsely and the priests rule on their own authority; and My people love it so! But what will you do at the end of it? (Jeremiah 5:30-31) 

Next year is an election year and we are already listening to the modern-day prophets. Unless you live in a cave, you will be exposed to endless campaign rhetoric. Phrases such as; “I need your support to continue the fight,” or “join my team and stand with me,” will flood the media. We search and seek out those prophets who campaign on promises to fix our nation’s problems. Problems defined as they see them. Such as: the border is not open, therefore it doesn’t require closing. Homelessness for thousands of immigrants can end overnight by simply redefining the meaning of the word. They are now displaced undocumented persons.  

The prophets proclaim doomsday statistics concerning our nation’s debt. They preach the world will end in ten years due to climate change. They declare a pregnant woman having an abortion is democracy at work and they shout that to adhere to God’s standard of marriage is engaging in hate speech. Abortion and same sex marriage should not be a government concern. Rather, it should be a biblical concern. Yet, the most amazing thing about all this, the people in this country are in love with these issues! 

Next, the prophets rule on their own authority. “We the people,” have placed our hope in Man’s authority. We have ceased to let God rule. Some may say politics and religion don’t mix (separation of church and state, etc), but it can if our hearts are right. Our hope should be in Jesus Christ, not in false prophets. The prophets rule for their own benefit. Think not, then ask yourself this question, do you trust government? 

The prophet Jeremiah asked the question, “What will you do at the end of it? Here is a great answer: “ If My people who are called by My name humble themselves and pray, and seek My face and turn from their wicked ways, then I will hear from heaven, will forgive their sin, and will heal their land. (2 Chronicles 7:14) 

What we do today, will determine who we are tomorrow. Do we put our hope in God today, so that we will be faithful followers tomorrow? “Our hope is built on nothing less than Jesus’s blood and righteousness.”

Walter Allen has a BA degree from Auburn University and is retired from the paper industry. He is a published author and lives in Laurens County.