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SC & Speeding - The Most Dangerous

Be aware on Labor Day - Danger on the roadways - How your and your family can stay safe


A new report by Forbes Advisor revealed that South Carolina is the most dangerous state for speeding: 

  • Out of 1,064 driving fatalities, 46% were caused by speeding (494 in total). 

  • The state also saw an 11% rise in deaths caused by fast drivers between 2010 and 2020. 

Labor Day is also the most dangerous driving day in September. The National Safety Council (NSC) found that “from 2018 to 2020, deaths on U.S. roads over Labor Day weekend made up more than 12% of all traffic fatalities occurring in September each year.”

Please see our full report on speeding fatalities by state here:

Drivers in South Carolina should be aware of the high risks of speeding. Here are three safety tips that drivers can use while traveling for the upcoming holiday: 

Top 3 Driving Safety Tips

  1. Follow Speed Limits

    • Work on your punctuality to avoid feeling rushed and the need to speed in order to make it to your destination on time.

    • The faster you drive, the less room for error that you have. Avoiding crashes are much easier if you’re driving within speed limits and you can more successfully slow down if a car breaks suddenly in front of you.

  2. Drive Sober

    • While summertime is always exciting and filled with weddings, events and beach parties, make sure to avoid drinking and driving. 

    • Carpool with a trusted designated driver or use apps such as Uber and Lyft to avoid getting behind the wheel after enjoying a glass of wine or other alcoholic beverages.

  3. Consider the Costs

    • If you do not drive within speeding guidelines, you are more likely to receive speeding tickets. 

    • You also use more gas while speeding. As gas prices remain high, it’s in your best interest to slow down.

    • Driving quickly also wears down your tires much faster. This can not only cost you by having to replace your tires more often, but you are also more likely to blow out your tire in the middle of a drive.  State by state analysis here.