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Lighting The Way



Vic MacDonald Photos


Since 1875, Thornwell has stood for its commitment and Clinton’s commitment to children - to “suffer the little children to come to me,” as The Savior said.

The morning of April 7, Clinton and Laurens County through its continuing partnership with Thornwell re-affirmed that pledge, to be a safe haven for children but, beyond that, to be a means to defuse family-stressors before “regular life” descends into child abuse.

Thornwell and the Children’s Trust of South Carolina brought partners together for a breakfast meeting to make that commitment, and to introduce Thornwell’s 10th President, Rev. Myron Wilkins. He has been on the job for a week. “A year ago, I had no idea where Clinton was, and definitely no idea where Cli-non was,” said Wilkins, who is moving here from Greensboro, N.C. “I got here as soon as I could.”

Coming from the rough part of Philadelphia, Wilkins said, “I always had a heart and passion for helping families in need. I was empathic.”

Wilkins encouraged everyone in the Thornwell dining room to become Family Diagnosis Professionals. A graduate of Strengthening Families, a Thornwell-based program, William Choice said it is a natural extension of becoming a father. At first skeptical, Choice said of the instructors and other families, “They won my heart. I realized I was providing (for his family), but she was dealing with the day to day, every day.”

Choice said Strengthening Families deals with stress -- “life overwhelms people” - as well as rewards and relationships, discipline, and giving children clear directions.

The breakfast meeting provided participants with a video of Thornwell staff providing ways that people can “be intentional” in their support of families and becoming a child advocate. Those attending the breakfast also were invited to stay a little longer to view the Thornwll Programs Fair.

The community’s description says, “Founded in 1875, Thornwell is a diverse non-profit ministry across South Carolina, Georgia, and Florida that serves to prevent child abuse and neglect, to build up and reunite families, and to support healthy communities in the name of Jesus Christ. Thornwell believes family changes everything in a child’s life, and addresses the welfare of children not as a singular event, but as a comprehensive, ongoing cycle of services and support designed to help children and families, no matter what stage of life they are in.”

In addition to the keynote talks, a candlelighting ceremony, and City of Clinton proclamation, the program was hightlighted by a wonderful song from Thornwell’s 4k Class of the Child Development Center. The students sang, with motions and hand-hearts, this message:

 “I Love Who I Am.”