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Duncan: "Fight Back" on Indictment Against Former President Trump, and what about a pardon, link to Upstate appearance

Congressman says "what about" President Biden


There shouldn’t be double standards in our justice system, but that’s exactly what we’re seeing with news of President Trump’s upcoming federal indictment for allegedly mishandling classified information.

We know that the FBI has found numerous classified documents in Joe Biden’s possession from his time as a Senator and Vice President. Unlike President Trump, Biden had no authority to declassify these documents. So, when is Joe Biden going to be arrested? This isn’t just an attack on President Trump; this is an attack on the country. This is the full weaponization of governmental power by the deep state and will further erode trust and confidence in every aspect of our government. This cannot stand, and I will do everything in my power to fight back.
An opposite view here.
And, what about a pardon here.
And, a July 1 Upstate appearance here.