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A court's decision

SC Supreme Court says abortion law does not violate privacy


S.C. Supreme Court rules Fetal Heartbeat and Protection from Abortion Act constitutional

(Columbia, S.C.) – The South Carolina Supreme Court declared the Fetal Heartbeat and Protection from Abortion Act constitutional, along with ending the injunction blocking the enforcement of the law.

“We have fought tirelessly to protect the lives of our unborn children, and today in South Carolina, we have won,” SCGOP Chairman Drew McKissick stated. This decision reaffirms the hard work of the South Carolina Republican Party to ensure the lives of the unborn have someone fighting for them.


Statement from Gov. Henry McMaster on S.C. Supreme Court's Ruling on Fetal Heartbeat and Protection from Abortion Act

COLUMBIA, S.C. – Governor Henry McMaster today released the following statement in response to the South Carolina Supreme Court's ruling on the state's Fetal Heartbeat and Protection from Abortion Act: 

"The Supreme Court's ruling marks a historic moment in our state's history and is the culmination of years of hard work and determination by so many in our state to ensure that the sanctity of life is protected," said Governor Henry McMaster. "With this victory, we protect the lives of countless unborn children and reaffirm South Carolina's place as one of the most pro-life states in America." 


Rep. Duncan Releases Statement Celebrating a Historic Win for the Right to Life in South Carolina

 Washington, D.C. — Following the ruling of the S.C. Supreme Court on Planned Parenthood South Atlantic v. State of South Carolina, Congressman Jeff Duncan (R-SC) released the following statement:

“Today’s ruling from the S.C. Supreme Court is a monumental win for the right to life. I commend the South Carolina General Assembly for ensuring the passage of a Constitutionally sound bill that will stop the killing of babies once a heartbeat is detected. I’m grateful for all the South Carolinians who devoted years of work that culminated with this ruling to save innumerable lives from the ruthless practice of abortion.”


Today, the SC Supreme Court majority ruled that the South Carolina Heartbeat Bill is CONSTITUTIONAL! Thank you to the many people who have fought endlessly to protect the smallest of us.

Attorney General Alan Wilson applauds ruling of State Supreme Court on Fetal Heartbeat Act

(COLUMBIA, S.C.) – South Carolina Attorney General Alan Wilson released the following statement on today’s ruling by the state Supreme Court on the Fetal Heartbeat Act:

“The South Carolina Supreme Court’s historic decision to uphold the state’s Fetal Heartbeat Act is a huge win in our efforts to protect the unborn and save innocent lives. I appreciate all the hard work of our state legislature and am proud of the SC Attorney General’s Office team that defended this law in court.”

South Carolina Democratic Party Statement on State Supreme Court Upholding Extreme Abortion Ban

Columbia, S.C. -- In response to the all-male State Supreme Court upholding South Carolina’s extreme abortion ban, South Carolina Democratic Party Chair Christale Spain released the following statement:

“Thanks to the MAGA Republicans in our legislature, an all-male court has upheld horrifying and dystopian legislation that bans abortion in South Carolina before many women even have the chance to find out they’re pregnant. Doctors and nurses will be threatened with fines and jail time just for providing vital health care, rape and incest victims will be forced to share the crimes committed against them just to get the care they need, and women in rural, low-income, and communities of color across the Palmetto State who already face insurmountable barriers to health care will be disproportionately impacted.

“As a woman I understand firsthand how devastating this decision is for us. My heart breaks for the women who will be denied health care, for the women who can’t afford to travel out of state to get the health care they need, and for the families who have once again had a vital freedom ripped away from them because of dangerous Republicans who care more about controlling women’s bodies than delivering for our hard working families. This cruel abortion ban is the same extremism MAGA Republicans are fighting to take nationwide, but this isn’t the end of our fight. South Carolinians will see the extreme legislators who made this happen at the ballot box next year.”


CNN explanation here.