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24 Hours

For the things they prioritize is a reflection of who they are


I do have time

I have the same 24 hours that you have

I have time

I have time to do things that I want to do

The things that matter to me

A conscious choice that I choose to make

For the things that I don’t do

Are the things that are not high on my priority list

For those things are just not that important

For the phrase

“I don’t have time”

No longer exist in my mind

A phrase that is simply used as an excuse for things not done

Yet when in all reality

The amount of time in a day, stayed the same

Becoming accountable

And taking the sugar off of our everyday life

Will eventually change your perspective

It will force you to stop making excuses

Stop making excuses for yourself

Stop making excuses for others

For when you hear the phrase

“I didn’t have time”

You will look at the person in a new light

That will give you a better understanding of the person in front of you

For the things they prioritize

Is a reflection of who they are

A reflection of the things they enjoy

A reflection of what is important to them

An inner look into the mind 

For yes

I have time

I have the same 24 hours in day 

That you have

But I will do the things that are important to me

For these are my 24 hours

And your 24 hours are yours

Do as you please

Lacresha Dowdy is a graduate of Clinton High School, Piedmont Technical College, and Claflin University in Orangeburg. Since December, 2009, she has been the City of Clinton Municipal Court clerk of court, and also is a Community Relations Specialist with the city and President of the Clinton Rotary Club.