NALC ‘Stamp Out Hunger’ Food Drive is May 11
SOUTH CAROLINA — In the coming weeks when you are grocery shopping, think about your letter carrier. Pick up some non-perishable food items, including cereal, pasta, pasta sauce or spaghetti sauce, rice, canned fruits and vegetables, canned meals (such as soups, chili, and pasta), 100% juice, peanut butter, macaroni and cheese, canned protein (tuna, chicken, and turkey), and beans.
Saturday, May 11, will mark the 32nd anniversary of one of America's great days of giving — the National Association of Letter Carriers (NALC) Stamp Out Hunger® Food Drive.
Each year on the second Saturday in May, letter carriers in South Carolina and across the country collect non-perishable food donations from our customers. These donations go directly to local food pantries to provide food to people in who need our help.
Participating in this year's NALC Stamp Out Hunger® Food Drive is simple. Just leave non-perishable food donations in a bag by your mailbox Saturday, May 11, and your city or rural letter carrier will do the rest. Nationwide, over 1.9 billion pounds of food has been collected in the past 30 years.