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Noise Concern


LETTER: The problem is the continuing disturbance by outdoor partying at Presbyterian College.

The editor,

This might be a second futile attempt to find someone interested in correcting a situation that is out of hand. I tried to address this with City Counsel, but nothing has changed.  

The problem is the continuing disturbance by outdoor partying at Presbyterian College.

On Sept 4, very loud music continued until past 2:00 Sunday morning.  I had to close windows and try to drown out the noise, with little success.  I was hoping it might be a one-time occurrence. Two weeks later the music made it impossible to sleep. I called the police department about 3:20 a.m. to ask that they address the problem. The music seemed to be coming from the area of the fraternity houses. By 3:50 louder music started blaring from the campus nearby. With windows closed, I could hear all the lyrics.  When I called the police department again, they said they had been unable to find the music. I replied that if they would come to my location, there would be no problem locating it. Finally, a short time later, it stopped.

Since this appeared to be ongoing, I wrote a letter to City Counsel for the last meeting and asked my Counselman, Gary Kuykendall, to read it at the meeting.  He did not read it but gave copies to the members. The letter described the above occurrences. 

Obviously, nothing effective has been done, yet. This past Sat night, it happened again. At 4:25a.m., the music got so loud that I called the police department again. I told them that I was the same one who called earlier and the community should not have to tolerate this. I also said that they should not come back and say they could not locate the music. I told them to please come to my location to determine the source of the music. Fortunately, it stopped just before 5 a.m. 

I hope that other people in the vicinity of PC who have been disturbed as much as my neighbors and I have been will SPEAK UP! It should be reasonable to end the noise by at least 11 p.m. If the college thinks it is necessary to hold outdoor gatherings, then they should find a location outside the residential area. I understand that many people in Clinton, including City Counsel, want to play hands-off with Presbyterian College for social or political reasons. However, if the college shows no respect for the community, it cannot be left up to them. I hope those of you who are concerned will contact me to discuss addressing this issue with City Counsel as effectively as possible. My email address is

Trena Barnes,


Letter to the Editor