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New year brings new beginnings


Here it is -- already the middle of January. Most of us have abandoned the resolutions made on New Years Day. Sure we all say we want to lose weight, be healthier, make more money, expand our social circles, be more faithful to God, spend more time with our families and the list goes on. All of these theses are important to us and we truly mean to make changes but then reality sets in and the everyday tasks of life seem to be a distraction. There is after all next year to have another new beginning. At this moment, we are sitting in the mountains watching the snow fall. As the snow covers the trees and roads, the landscape is transformed and the view looks like a scene out of FROZEN. Our three-year-old grandson is walking around singing “walking in a winter wonderland”. The dirt, gravel, and vegetation that are seen every day are all covered with the white powder. Looking out is a reminder that each day offers us a new beginning. One of the young women we have known her entire life is expecting twins in March. Two little boys. As it gets closer to time for these little ones to join our “life circle”, everyone gets more and more excited. Babies are truly blessings! We look into the tiny faces and our faith in mankind and the belief of New Beginnings is re-affirmed. They make us want to be better people, save the environment, recycle, disarm nuclear weapons and protect the earth so they will have a safe and plentiful Earth to live on. We are reminded that what is truly important is the time we spend with others, lending a helping hand when it is needed, taking time to pickup up the phone and check on a friend having a bad day. Give a smile, spread some cheer. Cornbread used to have a sign in front of his gas station that said, “It don’t cost nothing to be nice” -- true words. Making cookies (chocolate chip are one of my favorites—just in case you are wondering) to share with a friend, with a homesick college student, someone wondering if anyone cares, can make a tremendous difference in their lives. As you move forward in your daily life, take time to reflect on what is important; make plans and take action to fulfill your resolutions. At the end of the year, look back and smile knowing that you have fulfilled your goals. Take time to be an inspiration to others. Any day can be a day for New Beginnings.