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My holiday wish this year is simple


Opinion: Holiday Wishes.



My holiday wish this year is simple

As simple as can be

Yet, it still seems to be so complex

But I still have hope that Santa will grant me my holiday wish

Because wishes still come true


You’re never too big to sit on Santa’s lap

Well, at least that’s what I have always heard


See my holiday wish is for you

Yes, you broken hearted one

The one who’s heart is in a million pieces this year

My holiday wish is for you

I remembered you this is year

And I remembered you last year too

I don’t ever forget you

And this year is no different


My heart still aches for you

My mind still wonders on how I could help mend your broken heart

But I still don’t have a quick fix

So all I can do is ask Santa to grant my holiday wish

I’ve saved my only wish for you

Because I really think, you are special

I really, really do

And I want you to know that you are not forgotten


I hope that you know 

You are loved even if you don’t feel it

Even if you don’t see it

You are loved

I hope you know

You are thought about 

Even if you don’t feel it

Even if you don’t see it

Just know 

I am asking Santa to bring you a piece of mind

And I hope he delivers it on time

Because this year

My holiday wish is for you


(Lacresha Dowdy is a graduate of Clinton High School, Piedmont Technical College, and Claflin University in Orangeburg. Since December, 2009, she has been the City of Clinton, Municipal Court, clerk of court.)

Lacresha Dowdy