District 56 test scores continue to show an upward trend on state assessments.
Dr. David O’Shields said, “We have worked incredibly hard as a team to coordinate instruction to meet the individual needs of our students. The results are promising, and I am most appreciative to the teachers, students, parents, and administrators for making the gains and working in a district where the experience truly matters.”
District 56 has made significant progress in increasing student achievement on last Spring’s SC Ready administered to students in grades 3 - 8. Over the last three years, the percentage of students, grades 3 – 8, meeting and exceeding expectations on SC Ready English Language Arts has increased over thirteen percentage points. During that same time frame, District 56’s scores on SC Ready Mathematics has increased almost three percentage points. The state also analyzes the percentage of students in grades 3 – 8 who scores approaches, meets, and exceeds, and District 56’s test scores continue to show a positive trend in this area as well. Over the last three years, English Language Arts has seen a rise of fifteen percentage points and Math has seen an increase of five percentage points.
Another significant accomplishment this year is that District 56’s elementary schools have exceeded the SC Ready Mathematics state average for students in 3rd, 4th, and 5th grade who have met or exceeded state average as well as the state average for students who scored approaches, meets, or exceeds. With the implementation of LETRS in all District 56’s early childhood classrooms, District 56’s third grade English Language Arts scores have exceeded the state average for SC Ready meets and exceeds as well as the state average for approaches, meets, and exceeds.
Assistant Superintendent for Instruction, Dr. Brenda Schrantz stated, “District 56 continues to see gains in our assessment scores, and we are excited about the future. We will continue to work within our district and schools to ensure we are meeting the needs of all students and we continue to close the achievement gaps.”
State and districts' figures here.
And here.