Springdale United Methodist Church, 851 Springdale Dr. in Clinton, will have two Ash Wednesday services on February 22, one at noon and one at 6:00 pm. All are welcome!
Russia invaded Ukraine on February 24, 2022, beginning a war that is still raging one year later. As we acknowledge this awful anniversary, Springdale United Methodist Church (851 Springdale Drive in Clinton) invites everyone to join us at special services on Friday February 24 at noon and 6:00pm. At these two United with Ukraine in Prayers for Peace services, we will unite in corporate prayer and have the opportunity for silent, individual prayer. The services will also feature Ukrainian music, and there will be an offering taken to provide humanitarian assistance to the Ukrainian people through the United Methodist Committee on Relief International Disaster Response and Recovery fund. The pastor of Springdale is Jerry Pickens. For information about the church, visit us on Facebook at https://www.facebook.com/SUMCclinton.