The Clinton City Council will again on June 1 try to come to an understanding and ordinance first reading approval about a proposed development of 300 acres - 44 acres in the city limits - envisioned for a home improvements business and a recreational resort.
This will be at least the 4th time that the City Council and/or the Planning Commission has conducted a public hearing on this one project, although a city ordinance says normally just one public hearing is required.
The public can speak on this matter again Thursday, 6 pm in the PS Bailey City Council Chambers of the MS Bailey Municipal Center, 211 N. Broad St., Clinton. The public notice for the hearing does not mention the developer, Sanbell Inc., but the hearing and possible ordinance first reading is for Tax Map #901-23-01-038 & 901-24-01-054.
Originally developers had asked to rezone 44 acres from residential to commercial; now the request is for 34 acres.
PREVIOUS: Clinton City Council has tabled action on a zoning change recommended by a majority of the City Planning Commission members that would open about 300 acres in the city and in the county for business and a resort development. Council conducted the city’s 2nd public hearing on the Bush River Resort project on North Sloan Street. Right now, the narrow residential street is the only way in and out of the project site. Developers have said they plan to build at least one other road to access the property from the north side in a location outside the city limits. Most of the project will be in the county, which does not have zoning. But the county does have a RV Parks ordinance, something the City of Clinton does not have. City Council referred the matter back to the Planning Commission for further study and negotiation with the developer, Sanbell Inc., out of Simpsonville. The original zoning request was to change 44 acres from residential to commercial, to allow for phase one development of a building supplies business. Then, the request was modified to 34 acres in the city limits; the project involves 300 acres total, to include the RV Park as well as cabins, a restaurant open to the public, a pool, zip lines, and a sport shooting range. Several citizens spoke about the Bush River Resort project. Clinton City Council meetings normally are viewable on the city’s Facebook page, but there was a glitch with the May 1 meeting’s viewing and just 45 seconds were recorded.
"AGENDA" "MAYOR AND CITY COUNCIL CITY OF CLINTON" "Mayor – Randy Randall Danny Cook – Ward 1 Anita Williams – Ward 2 Robbie Neal – Ward 3 Gary Kuykendall – Ward 4 Mayor Pro Tem-Ronnie Roth- Ward 5 Megan Walsh – Ward 6 City Manager- Tom Brooks Assistant City Manager – Joey Meadors" "Agenda Public Hearing June 1st, 2023 6:00 PM P.S. Bailey City Council Chambers M. S. Bailey Municipal Center 211 N. Broad Street" "MEETING MAY BE VIEWED ELECTRONICALLY ON CITY OF CLINTON’S FACEBOOK PAGE @CITYOFCLINTONSC" "1. MEETING CALLED TO ORDER BY MAYOR RANDALL 2. INVOCATION – COUNCILMEMBER WILLIAMS 3. PLEDGE OF ALLEGIANCE 4. CITY COUNCIL to conduct a PUBLIC HEARING REGARDING THE RE- ZONING OF TAX MAP # 901-23-01-038 & 901-24-01-054, ORDINANCE NO. 2023-005-002 5. CITY COUNCIL to consider FIRST READING OF ORDINANCE NO. 2023-005- 002 REGARDING THE RE-ZONING OF TAX MAP # 901-23-01-038 & 901-24-01- 054 THE AGENDA IS SUBJECT TO CHANGE AT ANY TIME PRIOR TO 24 HOURS BEFORE THE MEETING. A FINAL AGENDA WILL BE AVAILABLE 24 HOURS BEFORE THE MEETING DATE."